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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cats Keep Getting Into Trouble!

   Well, it seems I still have that issue of the computer not letting me post photos. I know I don't understand these machines very well....... ok, not well at all!! But that doesn't make any sense to me.
    Anyway, its been a little tough around here lately, but the last week has been heck on the outdoor cats! Poor Cleatus! He showed up the other day wearing a new fashion accessory. Somehow he had managed to get a piece of accordian pleated tubing stuck around his neck! Don't know what he was after when he stuck his head in there..... but it got away and he wound up wearing that piece of plastic like a scarlet letter!!!
    The biggest problem with that is Cleatus is not a very touchy, feely kind of tomcat! Not the least bit happy with me trying to hold him. And hes a pretty large cat!!!  After a lot of hissing and some really TENSE moments, I came up with a better plan. One that I felt would keep me reasonably safe! So with scissors in one hand and a bag of Temptations treats in the other, I proceeded to distract him with said treats. I'd quickly snip a little on the "necklace". He'd quickly jump back and hiss and growl at me! We repeated this procedure till most of the treats were gone and I had managed to cut completely through the plastic. Then I tried to pull it off of his neck....... then I immediately went back to offering him the rest of the treats!!!! Finally got a good hold on it and held on as he jumped and twisted away!  Patience pays off again. No blood was shed!!
    Then this last Saturday morning as I was out at the clothesline, Buckshot Charlie came up to be petted. He'd been hanging back for a few days, so I was happy to see him back to his old friendly self...... until I ran my hand down the back of his head and neck and my fingers slipped INSIDE the hole in the side of his neck! Yeah, I was a little shocked by that turn of events. Luckily my vet is open on Saturday mornings. Getting Buckshot into the carrier didn't go very smoothly, but I finally managed! He HATES being closed up in any kind of cage!!! And lets you know it too. This from one of the friendliest and laidback cats we've ever had around here. Oh my!  
    The vet said it looked pretty good considering. It was a bite wound that had festered (that explains the withdrawn behavior) and burst. Its a pretty big hole, but since he had all ready eaten that morning they couldn't give him any anesthesia in order to sew it up. So, they cleaned the site up, gave him a shot, wrote me a script for antibiotics, told me to clean it several times a day and apply Neosporin. Watch to see if it heals on its own.   So now I'm worrying myself silly about this old cat who loves to lay in the dirt!! ha ha ha  And of course, hes rubbing his neck on everything!      WHY do they DO that?  Oh goodness... all this and Yule is on its way!!!  At least I have a big treat for all the dogs. Wrapped and ready.    My hope is that everyone stays safe and sound from here on out.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Damnit! Just DAMN IT!!!

   Well, I've been kind of busy lately... so took a little break. Then today hit me like a tornado.
   Can't post a photo because the 'puter keeps telling me theres no room. Sure wish I understood these things better. 
   Anyway, that saga of the trailer where all the dogs were just keeps getting weirder. The woman moved out about two or three weeks ago. Comes back occasionally and packs a little more, or just stays a few minutes. No big deal right? Probably still paying rent till she figures out where to put all that "stuff" she has all over the place. But I've been hearing the chickens! And I got to worrying if they were being fed or not. No one lives there anymore. Hardly ever see anyone come by, much less feed the hens.  And as you know, I've got a soft spot in my heart for those feathered cuties! ha ha ha   After not seeing anyone for about three days now, I called Animal Services and asked if someone could check on them. I was referred to the Pasco County Sheriff's office. Seems they have an agricultural department. Really? chuckle    Later on a deputy arrived and came to address my concerns. He thought the hens looked ok. But then he said that there were dogs inside the trailer... in crates. He saw five heads looking out at him. Couldn't see their bodies to see if they were healthy looking or not.  I just wanted to SCREAM!!!! I haven't heard or seen a dog outside of that place in two weeks or more.  My friend John and I have been hearing dogs barking, but we couldn't figure out WHERE they were! Now we know. 
   How can anyone be that cruel? Imagine my surprise when I saw her car parked there later in the afternoon. Only for about ten or twelve minutes, mind you! Thats not nearly enough time to feed, water, exercise and clean the cages of five dogs. Plus the chickens! 
   DAMN IT! Dogs need to be loved and cared for. They need to be able to run around and play outside! They need interaction with the humans they love and depend on. What is going on over there? Obviously neglect and cruelty. And the authorities responsible for stopping that abuse haven't done their job. The deputy that came today didn't have the right to just break the locks and remove the dogs. I think he would have if he could!   No. Pasco County Animal Services should have taken the dogs away from that horrible situation months ago. In the very least, they should have kept a close eye on the situation. A VERY CLOSE one! But no. They seem to have that "they're JUST dogs" attitude.
    Folks in the neighborhood have their suspicions. Its pretty clear a hoarder lived there. You should see the place!   Then theres the ones who are betting that she provides the dogs to fight rings. And thats why they aren't fixed. More puppies!   We just had that arrest in Hillsborough county where the dogfighters were bragging they had been doing it for over twenty years. And joking about how there were dog bones everywhere on the property. Sick! Demented, Evil and Sick! Those so-called humans have twisted souls. No decent person could treat another living being like that. 
   So.... what to do? I'd love to alert every news reporter in our section of Florida! But would it do any good? Most of the dogs over there were pitties and pit mixes. The news media seems to only want to say bad things about them. They're a WONDERFUL BREED!  More to the point, they're WONDERFUL DOGS! And all the ones that came to my home in search of food were as sweet as could be. Scared! But sweet. And craving attention on top of the food. Remember, Jacob escaped from the awful place!
    John contacted me and said he had called Animal Services. So they're alerted to the fact that there are dogs locked up inside that place. Hopefully they'll actually do something this time. But my hopes aren't very high. He asked to talk to the director, but was told he had left early today. I've heard that one a couple of times myself!! sarcastic chuckle    Perhaps this time things will go differently. Perhaps this time they'll actually put the health and well being of the dogs first and foremost. I can only pray at this point.  And spread the word that this is happening!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


"So I was just relaxing in the dirt this morning... minding my own business."

"When I noticed this rock sitting there next to me. Looked like it might be fun to chew on a little bit.  Limestone. Maybe kind of tasty. "

"So I started to sneak up on it. Gotta be a stealth machine in order to catch a good rock like this one."

"Got a little closer."

"A little closer. Then a nice long pause to make it think it was still safe. You gotta fake out some of these minerals.... others are, well, dumb as rocks."

"Choosing just the right moment, I POUNCE!"

"After a brief struggle, I was able to wrestle it into submission."

"Don't worry! It never felt any pain."

Monday, November 5, 2012

Jacob Sure Loves To Chew!

The weather has started to cool off again, but just a little bit. Tomorrow should change that! Anyway, the dogs love to be outside in these temperatures!   Yeah, Jake still has that weepy eye thing going on. We'll ask the Doc about that soon.

When you get these three together.... watch out! Even Ahulee was full of piss and vinegar today.

After a lot of running around Jake settled down with a stick to chew on. He LOVES to chew on sticks, rocks, cats, whatever!!! 
 The cats aren't too happy about being chewed on though.

This stick must have tasted particularly good!

It didn't take long for him to whittle it down to next to nothing!

After all that effort, he just needed a good rest. As you can see, a dog's life is really rough around here!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dismantling The Container Garden.

Well here we go! I've all ready moved the potted plants that were left and Blossom was trying to help me get organized. Huge task!

Ahulee found a good spot and settled in for the duration. The sunshine was just too tempting for his old bones!

Even Blossom finally succumbed to the warm sun and cool gentle breezes. She tried SO HARD to keep her eyes open!!!! ha ha ha

Jacob didn't even bother trying! Here he is about to nod off. His jowls were in the dirt a few moments after I took this.

By the next morning it was looking pretty bare! The girls were wondering what the heck happened?! Still have flowers to move and all, but I'll get it done a little at a time!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rest In Peace Little Bit.

   It wasn't until I saw this photo from Friday that I felt like I could post the bad news about Little Bit. She passed away October 20th. Never got strong enough for surgery. It was during the necropsy that they found the bite wound had perforated the bowel. This formed adhesions that created an obstruction. One more thing for the little girl to battle against. She was just so weak when she came to us!  But at least she spent her last days safe, loved and cared for. Medication kept pain at bay. And she was able to slip away to the Rainbow Bridge.     Hence this photo.... you can see the silhouette of a single bird flying across the sunset. I believe it was one of the local hawks.
    Her short stay with us was a blessing. She helped to open hearts and broadened capacities to feel empathy and compassion for little ones like herself. When you find an animal in need, don't turn away. Try your best to help. No matter what the end result is..... that creature will know that they are Cared for. That Kindness and Love is wrapped around them like a soft, comforting blanket. Their Spirit will be strengthened and uplifted..... and so will yours.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Early Halloween!

Uh oh! The cheetah has spotted the little Scooby Doo fellow!! He tries to hide behind a tree.... but he knows he can't stay there for long.

When he makes a run for it... she begins the chase! Round and round the yard they go!!!

He runs into the house in an attempt to elude the lithe beast! She follows him.....

...and manages to finally catch and subdue her prey!
NOW they can go trick-or-treating!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Little Bit Is Hanging In There!

   She might look pretty rough in these photos, but she looks better than when she crawled out looking for help. And the vet techs all say she smells better too!
    They're still trying to get her strong enough so they can do some surgery. She had a blood transfusion a couple of days ago, plus shes being given intravenous fluids/nutrition. Her condition is considered stable. They got her to actually eat a tiny bit the other day, but it was basically a force feeding.   Hey, when I feel terrible.... I don't want to eat either!!!

   All we can do is wait and see. Send some prayers and healing energy. And the rest is up to Little Bit and the Fates.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More Visitors.

Meet the girls. They've been coming around for a few days now. So sweet! Both young and in heat. A real recipe for disaster. I thought at first that they belonged up the street, but a neighbor said no. Of course he also had a hatchet in one hand and was throwing rocks at the girls with the other.
(And folks ask me why I prefer animals to people!)

I can't take them in because I'm all out of room! Rescue groups are all full. So I just make sure they get some food and water and pray for the best. Sometimes thats all I can do. And that breaks my heart.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Little Bit the Kitten.

   Well Rory is such a beautiful old gal, I couldn't resist posting this photo! Plus she always helped me foster kittens..... so its definitely appropriate to have her "commenting" about yesterday.
    John called after I got home from work and told me there was a small cat dying in their yard. Of course, I went over there to check it out. And after a few calls took the little thing to Dr. McCashion. It was so emaciated! And stunk like rotting tissue. Yep, really bad! There is an abcessed bite wound on its abdomen, and that had burst. Covering a good part of the cat in putrid fluids. There were flies all around it. Poor little thing!
    At the vet's office we found out its a GIRL! Approximately 5 1/2 months old. Only weighing in at 2 pounds.... thats way too little! Tests came back negative. And now we just wait and see.   She survived the night. Thats a good start. And when I went in this morning with Enya, they were working on her. So I wasn't able to get a photo to show everyone. She is a grey and black tabby. Really very cute. Something about her reminds me of Mama Kitty. Hmm, one leaves....  another comes. You have to wonder how the Universe works sometimes. But then again, its better to just Trust and Flow along with it!
    So, Prayers and Good Healing Energy for Little Bit please!   Maybe she is a Little Bit of Heaven come to stay awhile.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blossom Update.

      "Wow! What an awesome afternoon I had! First I had to go to a vet appointment so that Doc could look at this lump on my back. Mama was real worried about it. When we get out to the car to leave, it started to thunder and lightning and rain. I was nervous the whole trip! And to be honest about it, those windshield wiper thingies kinda' creep me out!"

   "Anyway, we got inside without getting too wet. Then I had to get on the scale! But heck, I've lost a couple of pounds. So the new food and less treats must be working after all!!! (Little did I know I was going to get to blow my diet!)
   Doc says shes pretty sure the lump is a histiocycoma. Don't ask me to spell that again.   We'll give it a few more weeks and see how it progresses.
   Then came the BEST PART of my whole day..... heck, my WHOLE WEEK!!! Maybe my whole month!!! And I have Uncle John to thank for telling Mama to do this. That it would help me get over being so nervous about going to see the doctor.....
   THANK YOU UNCLE JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see, on the way home we went through the Wendy's drive thru window, and Mama got me a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger!! Just for me! WHOOOOO HOOOOOO! And then,we sat in the parking lot and ate together. Just the two of us!!! No other dogs... or cats... around. It was AWESOME!
    And Mama said she was so proud of me! First, that I traveled so well today, especially considering all the bad weather. I was pretty calm under the circumstances, and quiet. And that I ate my burger like a real lady! She broke off little bites and I took them gently. Never making a fuss or being grabby. None of the other dogs do that! Even Rory gets a little demanding. And Jacob.... well, I won't describe how he acts. Its just plain awful! He was never taught any manners before he came here.
    I hope Mama and I get to do this more often. But without the doctor visit!"

Thursday, September 27, 2012

In Memory of Mama Kitty.

   It seems like the end of an era around here. Late yesterday I took Mama Kitty on that last ride to the vet. Her health has been getting worse over the last year, and this week she just seemed to give up. I kept encouraging her to eat, but that got more difficult to do with every passing day. When she started having a lot of trouble walking, I figured that was enough. Let her pass with dignity and as little pain as possible. She didn't deserve to suffer any more.
   She had a long and, at times, illustrious life here in the neighborhood. I know she had to be at least 18 years old. Thats a LONG life for a semi-feral. She arrived with a couple in one of the rental properties, and they left her behind when they moved away after less than two years. She had four litters in that time span! Her last pregnancy is when she moved in on me. I opened my door one day and in she strolled. Hissed at my cats, then proceeded to walk into my daughter's room and check out the closet. She did that three days in a row. On the third day I told her she could stay. Three and a half weeks later, with me as the midwife, she had four more kittens. And after they were weaned, I got her spayed. Enough is enough! After all of that, she showed absolutely NO interest in living inside. She'd howl and scream like a banshee if I tried to keep her in. Needless to say, I relented, and she went back to being an outdoor cat!

   Which proved to be a great thing. Because Mama Kitty was the best ratter I have ever seen!!! If it was a rodent, it didn't stand a chance in Hell once she set her sights on it! Occasionally she take down a squirrel or a big snake.... guess thats where her boy Angus got his snake killing abilities from.... but rats were her speciality! She truly excelled at hunting them!  And I guess because of my kindness to her, she considered me to be of value or a part of her family even. Either way, she would always bring me "tokens of her affection".   Some were even still alive! When I'd go to the door to see what the commotion was, she'd step right up... open her mouth... and my "gift" would fall out and run (or slither) across my floor. Always INTO my home! NEVER back towards the cat. Perhaps she wanted to let me share in the joy of the hunt. Or the fresher, the better! I'll never know, but I have to say, life was an adventure with Mama Kitty around.
   In her prime, she was bringing me little things like that almost every day. I was mighty glad when she started to slow down a bit! But that didn't happen until she was around eleven or twelve. So there were still plenty of days, and nights, when I'd step out my door and "squish" some bloody offering under my foot. And yes, I usually went barefoot!
   She began to slow down a little more with each year that passed. She withdrew from the other cats too. And they, in turn, took to tormenting her when she came over to my yard. I always tried to protect her. It seems like she only got along good with her children and a Siamese by the name of Yow Ling. He LOVED everyone!!! He would sit near her and gradually edge on over till they were just about touching. She never seemed to mind him.   Thats what made her burial such a special thing. I had figured on a place under the mulberry tree in the front yard because she liked to lay under there in the shade. But when I brought her body home I got a "push" to use a pendulum to choose the proper spot. It took me over to the old cat burial area. I was a little surprised because I haven't placed anyone there in years. After a couple of passes, a spot was settled upon. And as I dug I realized, she would rest right in between Angus and Yow Ling. Just like she would have wanted it in Life.
   Rest in Peace, Mama Kitty. And I hope there a few rats in Heaven for you to chase!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Leaves from last Autumn!

So this is where last years sycamore leaves went to! Wyatt was in awe!
A little boys dream... stretched out before him.

Then he proceeded to investigate! Leaves, sticks, lizards, etc...

And then stomped around and explored some more! He likes leaves almost as much as Jacob does!

Finally, he was just a bit overwhelmed by it all. Very seriously so. Of course, being tired didn't help matters any!
And to think... that huge sycamore is just starting to drop THIS YEARS leaves!
So heres wishing everyone a happy, crunchy Autumn!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Adventurous Enya O'Malley is Doing Fine.

Have had a few folks inquire as to how Enya is doing. So here are some photos I took of her this afternoon. Beautiful as ever and looking pretty good for a twelve year old with kidney failure. The subcutaneous fluid injections certainly are helping her. Just need to get back on a regular schedule with them. I prefer taking her three times a week.

So tomorrow morning, off we go again! She doesn't like going, and tries to hide..... but she never actually resists. She knows she feels better afterward.

This expression says " Thats enough of that! You will stop NOW."

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Need To Bring This Memory Out Into The Sunlight.

   Its the dawning of a new day.... and my desire to start a major Fall house cleaning has made me realize its time to write about a certain dog. I'll post her photo at a later date. Today I know I need to focus on the story itself. The events that happened back then were the reason I stepped away from helping with canine rescue and fostering. Nowadays I just don't have the resources or the time needed.
   Anyway, I used to help out a little at one of the local groups that had a spay-neuter program. And, of course, they wound up doing rescue too. Even though it wasn't part of their plan. (I got Rory and Ahulee from 'M' too.)  But back to the story, one stray dog that was brought to their attention proved to be a real vexation for the would-be rescuers. She just wouldn't let anyone near her. They tried in all kinds of weather, under all circumstances, with no success. Finally I offered to give it a try. So I was directed to Scheer Industrial park, to look for a pregnant Dalmation mix. I drove out, asked a shop owner if they knew the best place to look, and proceeded to find her with great ease. Went right up to her with dog treats in my hand. She started wagging her tail and let me put a collar and leash on her with no resistance. Then she walked slowly, but very nicely, back to my van. When I opened the side door, she looked in, then climbed on up and laid down. I decided to name her Scheera.
   I drove her over to the agreed upon vet, who promptly refused to take her in. Even though he knew she was pregnant, he obviously hadn't thought the details through very well. So after 'M' and the vet stopped yelling and screaming at each other over the phone, I was asked if I could possibly take her home until 'M' could find another vet that would be willing to help. Of course I said "yes", knowing darn well that my dog Rory would NOT like that at all!!!!!
   To shorten a long story, Scheera stayed almost a week. Quiet, gentle and very patient. On the day of her new appointment, I drove up to the next county and left her at the office so they could do a complete work-up as time allowed them to. They said to plan on picking her up late that afternoon.   So I went home and put together a nice "maternity room" for her in my little art studio.
   About three o'clock I got a tearful call from 'M'.... all I heard were bits and pieces... she was sooooo sorry!... they just didn't have the funds for that.... heartworm positive.... not enough money... she'd have to be put down.... to end her suffering, etc.   I finally broke in and said I'd take her to my vet and see what he could do. There are other options here. I can medicate her at home for heartworm, just need to check when, because of the pregnancy.  All I heard through the phone was TOTAL SILENCE.    She was all ready dead.
   Once I gathered the pieces of my composure back together enough so that I could speak in a civil tone, I said I wanted to go up and get her body. So I could bury her here on my property. So she'd have a final resting place. If for no other reason, than to show that she was LOVED.    'M' told me "no", that the paperwork had been signed and faxed. Her remains had been signed over like some nameless item. I was in shock. That she and her unborn pups were gone. That it was so cut and dried and callus as Hell!  I can't count how many times I looked back on that day and wished I'd gone anyway. Perhaps the people at the vet's office would have been more understanding and kind.  But its like they say, "Hindsight is 20-20".
   This all happened over ten years ago, but I'm sitting here crying my eyes out as I write about it. I can't even remember the details of what my vet told me when I asked him later about what could have been done. As for having options for her care, his answer had been "yes". I don't remember if it entailed the mom or the pups or both having a chance. I've tried so hard over the years to NOT REMEMBER.
   I regret that I didn't know what to do. I regret not being more aggressive in protecting her. She trusted me. And I let her down.   My main mistake was trusting other humans to take good care of her. Thats what they were supposed to do. But they chose money over her life. Make that plural... money over all their lives. They couldn't or wouldn't be bothered to take that extra step. Take time and search for other options.
    Looking back, that was one of those pivotal moments in my existence. I was too shattered by it then to realize how much it would help me later on. Trust your gut. Be careful of your 'reaction' to events. Always look for options. I know sometimes you can't find any.... but make sure you look first! Avoid that trap of "what if..?". Because its a steel leg trap, and you might have to gnaw off a limb to get out of it alive!
   So you want to know if Scheera still haunts me? Well, I still tear up and cry. And the regret still lingers a bit. But I know that some things are meant to happen because I'm meant to learn from them. And I have, even though it was a heartrending lesson.     When I think of her I still see that pretty face of hers. With one blue eye and one brown, and her soft little dog smile. I can even feel her lean up against me sometimes. And while I cry, I'm reassured because all their Souls live on.  And though my time with her was brief...  she was a great teacher for me.  I was BLESSED by her presence.  And I am so THANKFUL that she touched my Spirit with such GRACE.
   To Scheera and her unborn puppies, I thank you for helping me become a better person, and opening my heart.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blossom To The Rescue!

Well, it finally happened. Jacob 'took me out' the other morning! He was doing his normal Zoom Zoom Goober stuff... racing like a lunatic up and down the dog yard. Then he ran by and clipped me. REALLY HARD!
Now let me tell you, the human knee is not constructed to bend sideways like mine did. And the force of the blow knocked me completely off my feet. After that moment of disorientation you usually have when something like this happens... I was seriously worried that my knee had been broken! As I laid there on my side I kept trying to remember my Reiki training! All the while small waves of nausea kept washing over me, on top of the pain!  Very unpleasant to say the least.

After a bit I realized that Blossom had come over and positioned herself in between me and the other dogs. Jacob was sunk down on the sand. He knew something was wrong! Plus Blossom wasn't about to let him come any closer.
She stayed right there. First watching me, then looking over to check on Jacob and Ahulee. When I started trying to sit up, she moved back just enough to give me room to reposition myself. When I was finally vertical again, she moved back in. And after a minute or so, moved over a little bit closer. The whole time she was in high alert mode! All this with NO training!
She stayed right with me as I managed to stand up. And got in front of me as I headed towards the door. She wasn't about to let the other dogs get anywhere  near me. Not sure of all that was going through her mind at that time. But she has certainly proven herself to be a fine guardian!  I'm extremely impressed!!

So I've decided her new name is
 I all ready knew that she was a shining example of love and loyalty. But her actions the other morning show that she possesses a level of maturity I was unaware she had achieved. And I wanted to share with everyone that I'm so thankful and proud that she is part of my life!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ever Get One Of Those Itches....?

Ever get one of those itches that you can't seem to scratch at the right angle? Or you just can't scratch enough to make it stop?  Well, we were having one of those days a little while back. And I couldn't resist posting this photo of Ahulee spinning in a circle trying his best to scratch "that" kind of spot!

Jacob was having a similar issue, but his scratching technique was much less dramatic! Noticed that execution is greatly influenced by the location of the itch itself.

"Don't look at me like that Mama. Really now, even if I had an itch, I wouldn't let you catch me in a pose that undignified! I was raised to be a proper lady."

Thats my girl!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Now I Know What They Were Talking About!

"Whoa! Now I know what Uncle John was talking about. And I sure do hope that Uncle Ahulee is right about not missing them!!!"

"As you can see from the photos, I was feeling pretty rough yesterday after I got back from the vets. Sheesh!!! The indignity of it all! And to think, I was so happy to see everybody there."

"At least Blossom kept checking up on me when I got home. She really is sweet! But don't tell her I said that."

"After a while I just got VERY MELLOWED OUT.
But this morning I felt sooooo much better!!! And my appetite is back! So Life is good! And Mama says it will get even better!"