At Dusk one evening I was still out trying to pull those last few weeds before calling it a night. And I heard this quiet little cry off under some bushes. When I went to investigate, this little black kitten ran out and crawled under a car across the road. I couldn't convince it to come out... so I tempted it with food. That always works to some degree! Managed to catch him and put him in the safety of a cage for the night. That was three nights before Halloween 2011. A little black cat....hmmm. This is a photo of him the next morning. A pitiful sight, isn't he? He only weighed in at 1.2 pounds. The vet wouldn't do any blood work until he put on a little weight. Since then he has gained nicely, tested negative for all the bad stuff, and is an absolute charmer. I named him Wulfrig. I usually do a little meditation to ask if an animal has a name they prefer. When I did that for him, I was shown a black wolf, with a silver undercoat. Which is just what Wulfrig has.... so hence the name.
He is much better looking all cleaned up and well fed. Will update photo soon. Promised Merlin I'd post his photos first!
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