About Me

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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"I'm Looking Great!"

"Mama took me back to my doctor this morning. I gained 12 pounds! Everyone said I looked Great!!! Then they said I had to start my shots. I didn't like those very much. They also needed something they called a stool sample. I REALLY didn't like that very much! But at least no more worms showed up. YEH! They even gave me some yummy treats. I LOVE treats!"

"On the way home, we stopped by and saw my Uncles John and Gary. They said I looked Great too!! I got a lot of attention while I was there, and didn't have to share it with anyone. Thats because they left Butch and Tootie inside. I haven't met them yet, but Mama says I'll love them too. I love darn near everyone! Then Uncle John took me for a tour of their back yard and I peed all over the place so Butch and Tootie will know that I came for a visit. I bet they'll be really excited about it when they find out!"

"After we got home I started feeling kind of tired. Mama said thats probably from the shots. Those danged things! I have to have more of them in three weeks. She says they're for my own good and will help to keep me healthy. No one has ever worried about what was good for me before. It feels nice, even if the shots don't."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Cat Tails For Me!

"So much temptation around here! But Mama says I'm not allowed to grab and bite the cats tails!!!  Whats up with that?"

"So I have to be content with the fake cat! Thats NOT FAIR!"

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Meet My Rescue Dogs. July 23, 2012

The last couple of weeks I've done three posts on the latest member of my family, Jacob.  Starting with Neglect Is Abuse. Please check them out. He is app. 18 months old and hasn't been taught a thing! So we just start from scratch. Hes a smart and happy little guy, and he was so thrilled to have a toy to play with!!!

Ahulee turned 11 years old this Spring. He was signed out of the local Animal Control with his mom and littermates by a small rescue group. The shelter was overcrowded and their chances at even getting to be put up for adoption were slim to none. I saw him while delivering some Capstar to the temporary foster mom. What a goofy puppy!!!! Ears way too big, and he kept tilting his head and gazing up at me with this silly expression. Love at first sight. He is so loving and easy going. A Joy to be around. Handsome fellow, isn't he?

Heres Blossom.... striking a pose for the camera! She was dropped at a high kill shelter as a tiny pup two years ago. Brought to this area by a wonderful lady volunteering for another local group. I saw her picture on the computer screen, but I hadn't navigated to that page. Hmm, I believe in Fate you know. I was smitten once again. When I inquired about her, I was told she was adopted all ready. A couple of days later they contacted me to say that it had fallen through... and was I still interested? You bet! I KNEW she supposed to come live with me!  She is such a sweetheart, but very anxious. Seems to worry about darn near everything. Hopefully she'll grow out of some of that. But in the meantime, she has a loving home and other dogs and cats to play with. She also blogs occasionally, and keeps trying to get me to set her up a Facebook page! She might be a worry-wort, but shes also a ham.

I've saved Rory for last. She'll be 13 years old in October. She was found running and playing with another dog in the middle of a six lane highway, at night!  Luckily, some kind folks stopped and took her to a local rescue. I met her through a young friend who was training as a vet tech. Many thanks to Jessica! She picked the perfect dog for me! ha ha ha  Rory is the ultimate friend. Kind, patient, perceptive and always there when I need a hairy shoulder to lean on. She is the most LOVING dog I've ever had the pleasure and honor of sharing my life with.

Every dog I've ever had in my life has been a rescue. They have all brought their own personalities and special gifts. They've been by my side through thick and thin. I've learned some extremely important lessons from and with them. And I'm a better person for having known them. If we could just equal the amount of Love and Compassion that dogs show us everyday. The world would be a great place to live in!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

"Am I Cute, Or What?"

"Howdy everybody! My name may be Jacob, but everyone seems to like calling me Jake. Or Sweetie! And Cutie pie! It doesn't matter to me. As long as you're nice to me, you can call me whatever you want! I'm feeling MUCH BETTER now. I live inside, have my own bed and there is this wonderful thing called an air conditioner! Wow! Is it ever great! And best of all.... I get to eat till my belly is full. I don't ever remember feeling like that before. Its awesome!!!"

"My mom says that I have to go back to the doctor and get rechecked for worms and some other stuff. But right now, I'm full of doggie biscuits and I'm gonna try and grab her toe. She says I have to stay near her because I've peed in Blossom's bed too many times.... heck, I was just trying to be friendly."

"Blossom is always checking up on me! Its like she doesn't trust me or something. Hee hee, I wonder why?"

"I know I'm just too cute! But no more pictures... please!"

"Well, maybe one more!"

"And this one. Don't I have a manly looking chin? And nice teeth too. Well, I gotta go, its nap time. It was great talking to everybody! Have a wonderful day, just like I'm going to have!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lesson #1: Don't Mess With Ronan.

Here is Jacob seeking reassurance after getting smacked REALLY HARD by Ronan! (See lower left hand corner of photo) Two hits in quick succession, you could hear them through the whole trailer. That is one strong cat! Blossom came to check up on him. Probably because he yelped and screamed so loudly. Its a good lesson for the young boy. You DO NOT mess excessively with Ronan! He is patient up to a point.... after that, all bets are off!

Stay away from the Great White Cat!

 Obviously pleased with himself for getting his point across so thoroughly, Ronan proceeded into the kitchen to groom any ruffled fur. 

I'm wondering if the smudge down the center of his face had anything to do with the disagreement? Since he doesn't look like hes in any mood to discuss it.... I'll just leave him alone for now.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jacob Is Home! A Few Photos.

Last photo at the vet's office. He gained three pounds while he was there! Doesn't he look great?

Finally home. Needed to readjust to everything.

What a face!

What an expression! Blossom was watching him like a hawk. She isn't too happy about the little guy getting soooo much attention.

And when he came into HER crate..... she was sooooo NOT HAPPY!
But, at the same time she can't resist playing with him. What a pair!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Comment On The Death Of Lennox.

      Brave Dave O'Malley here. I'm joined today by my sister Enya. Together we wish to comment on the heinous event that came to pass in Belfast, Northern Ireland on the 11th of July. For two years a dark wicked shadow hovered over that city, now it has finally settled there. Casting a grim deadly presence over the land. Tainting the whole of once fair Erin.
      Prejudice, Fear and Hatred combined forces with human Pettiness and Ego, in order to win a small, yet horrific battle. But the war rages on. And this act of evil will only strengthen those warriors that fight for all that is Good and Just. 
      We are entering into a New era of Existence here on Mother Earth. This is the Age of Compassion. The humans we know who follow the Christian faith call it the Coming of the Christ Consciousness. Whatever your name for it may be, know that it is all the same. A world filled with Love, Understanding and Acceptance. With Respect for All.
      Fear and Prejudice may have had their day in Belfast, but Shame and Disgrace will fall upon the wicked. Everyone must answer for their actions, and theirs will be a harsh reckoning. Most importantly, the hearts of the warriors of this New era have been ignited! And Good will be Triumphant.
      As for brave, innocent Lennox.... his death enabled the Light of Compassion to shine even Brighter.... and to encompass the planet. Showing everyone that this sort of horror MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
     Rest in Peace Lennox.

Blossom saying "Thank you"

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Neglect IS Abuse!

Heard  something out on my porch the other night. When I went to check, this is what I found. Poor thing was hunting around for any little crumb of cat food that was left out there. I just had to bring him in and give him a little more food. Thats when I saw how bad off he was.

A residence up the road that call themselves a dog rescue has a yard full of dogs like this. Some had gotten out late that afternoon and this little guy must have been separated somehow. Probably in his search for food. Lucky him!

After seeing his physical condition I knew there was no way in Heaven or Hell that he was going back there. 
He was covered in the biggest fleas I've ever seen!!! And I mean covered! It looked like his fur was moving. I got him into the bathtub and washed him three times with flea shampoo. They were still crawling all over him. I fed him a little handful of dry dog food every 30 minutes or so. Even a few treats. He was dehydrated and seemed anemic. No wonder, with all those fleas and God only knows what kind of worm infestations!!!

His first bowel movement was nothing but dirt and debris, There was no fecal matter that I could see or smell. He had been eating dirt to stay alive!!!
There is NO EXCUSE for letting a dog get into this horrible condition. The suffering that he has had to go through in his young life at the hands of people who didn't, or couldn't, care... and yet here he was, tail wagging and eyes gazing up at me filled with trust and love. This is why I believe what they say, that Dogs are the earthly embodiment of Unconditional Love.

Just look at this face!!!
Update: Went to see him today. He looks SO MUCH BETTER!!! Hes been given fluids for rehydration and what a difference that has made. His skin and fur feel different all ready!! As expected he was filled with worms and has been given the appropriate medications. Will need to talk to the vet and get all the details, but what matters is that he is safe and on the way to recovery!
I have named him JACOB.
Please say a little prayer for him, and also for the ones that weren't so lucky.
Not only here in my neighborhood, but all over the world.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Lizard Nursery!

Can you see the little baby in the upper left?

    For some of my potted plants I wound up buying some ready to use soil. I still had a bag about half full and had left it on my porch. When I went to use it the other day there was a tiny baby lizard in it. I shooshed it out and proceeded to remove some of the dirt. OH MY!! Lizard eggs! Lots of them! Looks like some lady lizards decided it would be a great nursery. I can't disagree with them. The soil is soft, the lighting very muted, the sun on the plastic warms things up and creates condensation. The top of the bag was left open, yet draped over to keep out the rain. Perfect!
    So I put everything back as best I could, and proceeded to work on another project. Which was digging a small bed for some ferns a friend is giving me. When I found more eggs in there, I just lifted them out and put them in the "nursery". What a great concept... I love it!

Heres another little one that hatched today. Isn't it cute?!

Afternoon Nap.

Looked out my kitchen window yesterday and this is what I saw. Scared me for a minute, they looked SO FLAT!  My guess is the heat makes them deflate a little bit more. ha ha ha  It is seriously HOT around here. And humid too.

Heres Wilbur in the dappled shade. He blends in pretty well!

Bella must have been really tired! She usually smacks Wilbur around if he tries to hang out with her. She just didn't care!!!
I'll have to put some hay under the mulberry tree so they'll have nice soft beds to sleep on. The hot part of Summer isn't even here yet!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Such A Sweet Disposition

   Well, Rory has been helping me clean up a little around here. Hard to believe she'll be 13 years old in October! She is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And she maintains that loving attitude under some very trying circumstances. Yep, I'm talking about all the cats and Blossom!!!  Perhaps I should start referring to her as Saint Rory. Patroness and Protector of kittens! How fitting that would be?! ha ha ha
    We are dealing with her increasing deafness pretty well. I'm learning a lot about elderly dogs, but still have a lot of reading to do on that subject.  In the meantime, she'll still go out and play like a puppy if the mood strikes her! Sometimes those joints just don't want to move fast, and I can certainly empathize with her!!!  Its all about dealing with what Life brings our way each and every day. Try and remain calm, flexible and capable of enjoying the fun and beauty along our path. We can sure learn a lot from dogs!!!