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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Morning Raid!!!

   As I was sitting on the porch this morning I noticed a large number of birds landing in the neighbor's trees. Then they would swoop off in a mass and return rather quickly.... as a group. Then I realized they were Cedar waxwings. Lovely birds. Voracious feeders!  And a very happy bunch right now! Must have found a great food source! Gee, wonder what that could be?

So I went around my mom's place to check on the mulberry tree. Guess what?!     You can't tell from the photo... but there were anywhere from 40 to 60 Cedar waxwings in that tree when I took the picture. I always tell the birds that they are welcome to some of the berries. Specifically all the ones on the top half! They don't listen! Especially this bunch! They were darting in and out, up and down...... EVERYWHERE!   Oh well, there is always plenty to share. Maybe I'll even plant another mulberry out there. I'm all ready planning on some bird-friendly plants and trees, and some other flowering plants for the butterflies and hummingbirds. Whats one more?!

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