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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Now Here Is A SWEET Face.

   Still doing early Spring cleaning.... came across some older photos. Here is a photo of Ahulee from a couple of years ago. What a wonderfully sweet face he has! But then, he is a wonderful, sweet dog!!! So no surprise there.
   It is a little disconcerting to see how much he has aged in such a short time... but this just serves as a reminder to me to be thankful for the loving, sweet Souls that have graced me with their companionship over the years.  Its an honor to have that much Love and Loyalty surrounding me in this physical life that I live.
   Do you want to know real and honest Love ? Adopt a stray animal, take good care of them, tell and show them that they are loved.  The love they will give in return KNOWS NO LIMITS.     A wonderous blessing. Please keep it in mind whenever you see an animal in need.   

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