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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nature's Lessons: the Mulberry Tree

   Overall, its been a very warm winter here in central Florida. Except for a couple of quick freezes, temperatures have been running well above normal. And all the plants notice. Here is one of my mulberry trees. Don't know the variety... I rescued it too!!! It was on the dump heap in back of a local nursery. As root bound as a plant could possibly get. They sold it to me REALLY cheap because they figured it would die after I planted it. The nursery people obviously hadn't been around many of these trees. They refuse to die without a monumental battle! Just keep them well watered at first and they will adapt to almost any type of surroundings and continue to fight all adversity until they flourish!  Thats a great lesson for all of us to learn.  Flexibility, Adaptability and Persistence. With the end result being not only Survival, but Growth and Abundance.

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