Greetings and Welcome to and also From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!
What was I thinking? Oh my. Don't get me wrong, it has certainly served its purpose. I just need to modify things.... immediately. Now, my hens spend their nights in the blue shed. Its roomy, ventilated and most of all, safe. I let them out in the mornings, later on they go up in this pen for a few hours. Before sunset I let them out again to forage until bedtime. Its worked for three years! But I need to streamline the whole poultry area. So I have to enclose this little coop and make a bigger run for them. Sounds simple, huh? Nope. Lots of things need to be done before I can even start on the henhouse project itself.
The ground itself needs work, then a foundation. The loquat tree will have to be removed. And I have to peak this somehow and put on a decent roof. I am not, in any shape of form, a carpenter!!! hahaha Have a really nice door that my friends gave me. Just need to figure out how to put up a frame for it. Need to hunt up a few windows while I'm at it. Oh geez!!! Better not get ahead of myself. I'll tackle this from the ground up, literally. Wish me luck!!!
Well, its happened again! Another feline has adopted me. Its been showing up after dark for the last four evenings. Still very skittish, but it has figured out that I mean no harm and better still, I have FOOD!!! You've probably noticed me using the word "it". Haven't gotten a good look at It's back end yet, so until I know the right gender.... I'll stay in neutral territory. I'm still getting ribbed occasionally about "Ms. Mouth" actually being Mr. Maynard Mouth. It has lovely coloring and a really nice symetrical pattern on the tail. Very attractive cat!
So anyway, this kitty is a little on the thin side and the fur on its torso has an odd texture. Perhaps its natural to this individual, but it doesn't seem right somehow. The rest of its fur is nice and soft, eyes are clear, ears aren't too filthy! Has signs of diarrhea.... but thats common with newbies. Timid, nervous, actually acts worried. This cat is used to humans but not a lot of handling. Seems very relieved to have found a "home". Now I have to figure out how to raise some money to cover a vet visit. It looks to be in pretty good shape, but needs to be tested and such. Things are a little bit tough here at present. Oh well, we always seem to get by. Our guardian angels will come up with something!!! In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas ~ please let me know! Heck, I'm still trying to get over the stress from the fight last night. Ooops, forgot to tell y'all about that didn't I? It'll have to wait till the next post.... lets just say that Rory was inside sleeping while the other dogs got into a brawl with one of the local raccoons. And then I jumped in too! Not the smartest thing I've done lately. hahaha
When I wake up in the mornings, I usually see Ronan looking at me from some weird angle or another. I decided to put the camera on my nightstand so I could try for some photos. He and Brave Dave are the only cats I'm letting into the bedroom right now. With all of them in there, it just got to be TOO MUCH! Blossom has snuck in too. But Shhhhh... we don't want the rest of the dogs to hear. (I need to rearrange the whole room before I let them all in.)
Brave Dave gets tired of the commotion pretty easily, so sometimes he moves off the bed completely. I've set up some nicely padded areas for him. Especially in this cool weather we've been having!
Hes an older guy, after all. And since Enya's passing, hes been a little bit lonely. Choosing to hang out with Ronan most of the time. And "no", I didn't do a post for Enya yet. She took a bad turn for the worst while my mother was in the hospital. I barely had time to dig her a proper grave. It was horrible. But things are starting to straighten out a little bit, so it won't be too long before I can say a few loving words for her.
Ronan, as usual, just TAKES OVER where ever hes at!!! But he is mellowing a little bit. And hes been very nice to Dave. Heck, hes been nice to Blossom too! And he hasn't smacked Jake around in a while. Hmm... wonder what he has up his sleeve?