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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Its Just About THAT Time of Year Again.

The hens have been looking at me askew lately. Guess they're heard the blue jays and mocking birds talking about the mulberries!!! Can't convince them that they aren't ripe yet. And that the other birds eat them while they're still pink!  Oh well, my girls are a little bit spoiled.  Since I wanted to clean under the trees before my grandchildren start picking, I figured I'd find them some that had blown off in the wind. Keep them satisfied for a little bit at least!

Found quite a few berries! In all stages of ripening. Oh, the girls will be pleased with a big handful of these.

Then I found a ripe one!! And another! And the hens didn't get those.... I did!
Found plenty of others on the ground, even found a big fat grubworm.
That means I'll have some happy chickens!

Maynard came all the way out to the corner lot to help me with my work. He is turning out to be quite the garden cat!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What A Beautiful Afternoon.

   The morning started out quite cool. Not like yesterday! We actually had frost! The cats weren't happy with any of it. They bundle up together, and this empty box was a perfect spot. Thats Trashbag Travis in the bottom there.

   By afternoon the temperatures were up and the sun was shining brightly. It certainly cast its hypnotic spell on Blossom! Ahulee was enjoying it too, but I think the pollen was getting to him. He started itching!

    Jacob was thrilled!! Warmth and sunshine. Nothing like living in Florida in the Winter! Its been a very mild season. Will have mulberries pretty soon! The hens and grandchildren will be thrilled!! And so will I.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Great Backyard Bird Count starts today!

    Well, today is the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count. I had decided I was going to get up and go to the nesting colony. (You don't HAVE to stay in your backyard for this) Counted well over 60 wood storks, several snowy egrets, great herons and some anhingas!  Its not as crowded as I've seen it in years past. But maybe they're just getting started.  
     Lots of activity! Flying in and out, feeding and gathering nest building materials.  Nothing like a low flying stork heading my way to really wake me up!!! It was close enough I could feel the air being pushed off its wings! Very great start to my day!

    Go to   http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/   and check it out! You can report from all over the world!    Happy bird counting everyone!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Little Help With The Yard Work.

Couldn't resist trying to do a little yard work, its just too perfect a day not to. So I set my sights at bagging up a bunch of the plumbago branches I had cut the other week. Not allowed to burn right now. So they have to go out this way. No, I'm not happy about it! Would prefer to compost somehow.
Oh well, with all thats going on, this is the best I can do at present. So anyway, Mr. Maynard B. Mouth decided to help me pack the branches down! Did a pretty thorough job of it too. Kept going back to it after I'd put in more brush.

Until finally, he was satisfied! Or perhaps he was just plain tired! Either way, I'll take all the help I can get.