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Greetings and Welcome to http://www.crittersgaloreandsomuchmore.blogspot.com/ and also http://www.gardeneroflight.blogspot.com/ From these spaces I want to share my love of animals and Nature and Life in general. So here you will find stories, information, reminiscences, an occasional bit of advice and a recipe or two. Please check them both out!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Jacob Helping in the Yard.

Well, I'm still gradually working at leveling up the backyard. I figure a little at a time. So I try to move two or three buckets full of dirt whenever I'm out there. Today I "went for the gusto"!!! Got quite a bit dug out of that one corner where its the highest. Jacob was helping me, of course!!!
But where was Blossom? Shes usually at the forefront of any yardwork endeavour that I undertake....
she was in my bedroom helping me sort through the winter clothes and blankets just a little while ago.

Can't blame her. With a cool breeze blowing through the window and all that softness to cuddle up on. I'm tempted myself!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Oh no! Egg eating.

Well, with the discovery of the egg eating thats going on, I'm faced with making some choices. Of course, I need to pay closer attention and find out whos doing what! I know Hermoine isn't guilty because shes the one that goes all out to get my attention, so I'll move her back to the shed where she can lay her eggs in peace and safety. The other three are all suspect!!!! Hester can be a bit aggressive. And the other two just aren't "right" somehow. hahaha  Not to mention that they both go after me! Don't laugh, chickens can draw blood easily.

Heres Reuben. Just plain ornery lookin', ain't he?
I'll have to research a little bit and see how to handle this. I KNOW how my Granny would have done it. For at least two days we'd be eating chicken!!!!